Que Sorting capabilities
I have a few issues / feature requests relating to sorting in Que.
Job processing seems to happen chronologically, newest to oldest job submitted. If I am running jobs for a campaign, and then submit jobs to another campaign for the same satellite to process, Templater will finish processing any queued jobs in the campaign it’s processing, and then process to completion jobs from the new jobs in another campaign. Then it will return to finish processing jobs in the first campaign. How can I force Templater to process oldest records to newest?
How can I sort the Campaign list? Currently it displays them from oldest to newest. I’d like to sort them alphabetically.
How can I sort the satellite list by title? Currently they are listed by creation date.
How can I sort the list of satellites in the satellite list when creating a Campaign?
@pbretz For your first question, at the moment I don’t believe there’s a built-in way to get that kind of granular control beyond using the sorting options in the QUE Inspector modal in Templater (the magnifying glass icon), but in that vein you could potentially try utilizing a custom property that sets a sort of “priority” and then sort by that property.
For the sorting questions, the capability to sort the main lists of campaigns, satellites, etc, hasn’t been introduced yet, only pagination, but I’ll make sure we have feature requests on file to scope out those capabilities (as well looking into some built-in solution for your first issue).
@pbretz Some additional info about your 4th question: looks like one thing we’ve already got in the works is that we’re planning to add a filter capability to the dropdowns when creating a new campaign so you can type a word in the Autograf or Satellite fields and have the dropdown only show Autografs or Satellites that contain that word.
Also, I have finished submitting the feature requests for additional sorting on the Campaigns and Satellite lists, as well as submitted a ticket to investigate how to force Templater to process all jobs in a campaign before moving to newly-added ones in a different campaign.
- 3 months later
Just checking back to see if campaign sorting in the Que interface is scheduled for implementation? Thanks for any update.
@pbretz Hi Pete, I checked in and it looks like we’ve got it fairly high on our list, and we’re eyeing early next year for release. I don’t have an exact timeframe, but hopefully in the first few months.