Templater Render error? Breaks after effects
Hi all,
Struggling through my first day with Templater. I have a project set up, my google file linked with my columns, and my spot checks seem to work. When rending, it goes through the first 10 rows, says its done, and after effects is frozen. I have to force quit, and I am given the option to save. No files are created and in the render window I can see “failed a NA” instantly for all the renders. In the FAQ it omits audio from dynamic layers (really? I can’t batch swap different music tracks?), so I removed that layer/column but no luck.The output log does not show much:
2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [RENDER VIDEO] : Render job data => ImagePath => /Volumes/2TB Storage/AutoAssets/Images/Image1.png TextLayer => 15 minutes is all it takes to boost your career—ready to level up? rowidx => 10 id => null ID => null 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [LAYOUT] : Performing layout of 7 layers in 1 compositions => [ TextAnim2 ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ TextAnim1 ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ TextLayer ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ ImagePath ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ MusicPath ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ MusicTrack2 ] in [ MainCompImage ] [ MusicTrack3 ] in [ MainCompImage ] 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [TIME SCULPT] : [ --__== BASE PASS 0 ==__-- ] 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [TIME SCULPT] : [ --__== DEPTH PASS 1 ==__-- ] 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [RENDER VIDEO] : ---- RENDERING TARGET ------------> 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [RENDER VIDEO] : ---- DONE RENDERING TARGET -------! 2024-05-24 @ 16:09:49 [RENDER COMPLETE] : Finished rendering rows 2 through 10.
Can anyone help here? I’m sure I’m missing something.
@jcsjcs hello! We’re out of the office for the weekend, but I didn’t want to leave you stranded.
To work backwards, you should be able to use just about any footage layers that AE can support, including audio tracks. What file format are those footage items? If you import them into AE manually, are there any errors? Could you point to where in the FAQ it says that audio layers aren’t supported? Because we will need to correct that—they’ve been supported since Templater was created. There are specific instances where Audio layers can behave incorrectly with Time Sculpting (which can work fine if configured correctly), but swapping them shouldn’t be a problem.
Failed at N/A
errors are usually an AE-specific thing—often it’s a footage layer that’s missing within the project, a missing effect applied to a layer, or referencing a render settings or output module template incorrectly. Could you share a screenshot of your AE window with the Templater panel visible?Also, which versions of After Effects and Templater do you have installed?
@jcsjcs just checking back—have you had a chance to read my previous reply?