trying to template a text, and kept it off
we are traying to template a text layer, but wekp it not vissible. if a layer is templated with text it automatically changes it’s visibility to on, but we are running a text effect that needs uses the source text, but requires that the text layer is off.
we have tryied to duplicate the column in the google sheet, so first templater changes the text, and then with the same column name we use {{off}}. the layer is off, but the source text is changed to {{off}} so we don’t success.
probably this is simply not doable, but i just want to ask, maybe there is some kind of trick that we can use to do this.
best regards and thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, Templater requires layers that are being versioned with data to be set to “visible” in After Effects. This has to do with how AE reports layer visibility to plugins like ours. That being said, we’ve encountered issues like this in the past, and I believe that there might be a workaround that could work for you.
Generally speaking, the way around this is to create a second text layer and then use the pick whip to map the “Source Text” property to the original layer that has Templater applied. This should allow you to manipulate the second text layer’s visibility settings while still maintaining the data from the primary layer.
Hopefully, that solution should work for what you’re trying to do, but if you run into any problems, just let us know, and we’ll see what we can do.