Have to reconnect to Google sheets on every restart
After the latest update (Templater 3.1) with the new Google Authentication, Templater Bot doesn’t start as it should. I tried a lot to figure out what was wrong, until I loaded a preview manually and got an error message that the data source wasn’t available. I then re-connected the Google Sheet, even though it didn’t show any issues in the interface.
It seems like I have to do this every time I restart After Effects now, which I didn’t have to do before, then I just started AE, opened the template file and pressed enable. -
Thanks for getting in touch with us. Due to the nature of the new authentication method, the behavior of Google Sheets with Templater may be a bit different than it was previously. That being said, you shouldn’t have to reconnect to your Google Drive account each time a project is opened.
One thing to check would be to see if the “Save” and “Load” options under the Data field are working correctly. If the project is connected to the appropriate Google Sheet and the “Save” button is hit, you should be able to reconnect when opening the file by pressing “Load” rather than manually reconnecting to your Google Drive. Does that work?
If so, that’ll probably be the optimal way to load up the project’s remote connection data whenever you need to use it. If the project doesn’t retrieve the remote connection data when the “Load” button is hit, we may have a more significant issue.
Let us know if that makes any difference, and we’ll take it from there.
- 13 days later
Hi @Jeff , it doesn’t have to reconnect every time a project opens (we use multiple projects with the bot and it works fine), it is just every time we restart AE, then we have to reconnect. I’ve tried to save the settings as well, and doesn’t seem to take. It is not a big issue as long as we know about it, just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for the update; that’s quite odd. It’s possible that this might be caused by After Effects holding on to some of the legacy preferences from the previous installation of Templater. Could you try clearing the After Effects preferences using the method outlined on this page and see if that makes any difference in what you’re seeing?
Another thing you might try would be to create a new project and see if the issue is limited to previously created After Effects files. We’ve seen some problems in the past with project files storing information from previous versions of Templater/After Effects which might account for what you’re seeing here.