Release — Templater 3.3.1
The Dataclay team has released Templater 3.3.1, which adds some brand-new features that allow Templater to use remote asset links from many new sources. You can download Templater 3.3 from this link:
IMPROVEMENT — Support for Remote Footage URLs Without File Extensions
Templater now supports links to remote footage that do not include a file extension. Previously, Templater tried to parse the name and file type from the URL. This sometimes resulted in incorrect file naming. Now, Templater creates an entirely new, random file name and then adds a file extension based on its MIME type. MIME types are two-part identifiers for binary files transmitted online. Supported file types can vary depending on factors like operating system.
You may continue to use direct download links that include file extensions if you prefer. In fact, that’s still the best practice recommended by Dataclay. If Templater is unable to determine the MIME type, having the file extension in the URL provides a fallback method for determining its type. The new workflow offers benefits when the remote footage location relies on links that are not direct downloads.
In these cases, Templater can accurately identify the file type and more easily import it to Adobe After Effects. The approach also further improves handling URLs with parameters, a feature introduced in 3.3.
IMPROVEMENT — Support for Share Links for Remote Footage
Templater now supports share links from sources such as Google Drive or Dropbox, which don’t include file names or extensions. This improvement is made possible by the new workflow described earlier. Google Drive links can be either public or private. For private Google Drive links, the file assets must be accessible to the Google account you use to authenticate to Templater.